Английский речевой этикет.

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Описание лота
Состояние Отличное
Автор В. С. Шахлай
Издательство Минск, Белорусская Ассоциация "Конкурс"
Год издания 2011
Страниц 160
Переплет Твердый переплет
Формат 60х84/16 (145х200 мм, стандартный)
ISBN 978-985-6821-96-0

Издание ставит перед собой цель помочь изучающим английский язык освоить речевые модели, необходимые для реального использования их в ситуациях общения.

Книга адресуется учащимся 8-11 классов для самостоятельного изучения, а также может использоваться учащимися младших и средних классов для совместной работы с учителем.

Forms of address.

Friends - by their first name, for example, John or Mary.

Someone whom we know less well: Mr./Mrs./Miss followed by the surname, for example, Mr. Brown/Mr Brown, Mrs. Brown/Mrs Brown, Miss Brown.

Ms. Brown/Ms Brown - title that comes before the (first name and the) surname of a woman whether married or unmarried (used in writing), for example, Ms (Mary) Green.

Mister, Missus and Miss alone (without the surname) are sometimes used but are not polite, although Miss is generally accepted as a form of address to a woman-teacher by primary school children.

Sir — used to a man who is clearly older and/or more senior than oneself;

used by shop assistants, waiters, etc to their male customers;

by schoolchildren to men-teachers;

as a polite form of address to a stranger, even if not older or more senior. However, this is not common nowadays in Britain, where the usual way of addressing a stranger (either a man or a woman) is Excuse me, please. In America sir is more common in this situation.



1. Forms of Address

2. Introductions

3. Greetings

4. Talking about Yourself, Starting a Conversation, Making a Date

5. Apologizing and Forgiving

6. Asking for Information: Question Techniques, Answering Techniques, Getting more Information

7. Getting People to Do Things: Requesting, Attracting Attention, Agreeing and Refusing

8. Conversation Techniques: Hesitating, Preventing Interruptions and Interrupting Politely, Bringing in other People  

9. Conversation Techniques: Concluding a Conversation, Thanking People

10. Offering to Do Something/Offering Something, Asking Permission, Giving Reasons

11. Giving Opinion, Agreeing and Disagreeing, Discussing

12. Making Suggestions and Giving Advice, Expressing Enthusiasm, Persuading

13. Describing Things, Instructing People how to Do

Things, Checking Understanding

Revision Exercises

Cultural Differences and Taboos

Communication Activities


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